Apprenticeships through a group training organisation provides opportunities for success

An apprenticeship through a Group Training Organisation (GTO) like Golden West Apprenticeships provides a fantastic opportunity to both jobseekers and employers, as the group training model is designed to help you to achieve success.

A recent report from the National Centre for Vocational Education Research has demonstrated that completion rates for apprentices employed with Group Training Organisations, such as Golden West Apprenticeships have a higher completion rate than SMEs.  You can read a copy of the report here:


Group Training can be a huge advantage for small and medium businesses who may want to host an apprentice in their business but don’t feel they have the expertise to be able to do it themselves. Having a GTO to oversee the arrangements and details of the apprenticeship means that there is more time for training the new employee so they are productive in the workplace.

Group Training Organisations provides a framework of consistency for the Host employer ensuring the business is able to maintain focus on the business while the training, support and general administrative processes involved in hiring the apprentice are all taken care of.

Golden West Apprenticeships offers a flexible and professional solution for the recruitment, employment and ongoing management of apprentices and trainees. 

As a Golden West Apprenticeships Host Employer we will:

  • provide full recruitment and selection services 
  • provide pastoral care services, including regular scheduled visits, to the apprentice or trainee
  • arrange all payroll, insurance, WorkCover and administrative requirements
  • organise and monitor all training requirements including schedule all vocational training at appropriate college
  • It’s easy to hire an apprentice or trainee in your business when you partner with a group employment Queensland GTO.


For apprentices, apprenticeships with a GTOis a positive move for their career, with the benefit of having an organisation to liaise with the employer on their behalf. 

This means that the GTO is responsible for the details of employment and have more than 30 years’ experience in the management of training for the apprentice. They will manage all aspects of on-the-job and vocational training for the full term of the apprenticeship. 

The GTO will also organise the varied learning opportunities that the apprenticeship may encompass – which could include multiple host employers. A group training apprenticeship can increase employment opportunities for the apprentice through providing pathways for connecting with potential employers, and fostering the relationship (which could begin while they are still at school).

An the apprentice’s employer, should a Host Employer’s business circumstances change, the GTO will find new employment to ensure the apprentice is given every opportunity to complete their training and gain a trade qualification.

As a Golden West Apprenticeships apprentice you will:

  • be supported by industry experts for the duration of your training
  • have access to your own Training & Employment Coordinator who will assist, support and mentor you along the way
  • ongoing access to pastoral care
  • gain a national qualification through a Registered Training Organisation.

For both apprentices and employers, there has never been a better time to partner with Golden West Apprenticeships.

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