The Golden West Apprenticeships Story

In the late 80s, a group of local business people in Roma were one day discussing the challenges of employing apprentices. Many industries were suffering from skill shortages, and at the same time economic uncertainty made employers wary of apprenticeships due to their long-term commitments.
Other challenges faced by businesses was the time and cost to manage the complexities of a government regulated apprenticeship system. Local businesses simply didn’t have the time to recruit, let alone monitor and manage the red tape.
The businesses knew that in order for our rural community to continue to thrive and grow, skills were needed and these skills needed to be developed locally. The economic prosperity of our region depended on (and still does) an adequate supply of well trained and skilled men and women. Apprenticeships help provide this future.
The group training concept was pioneered in the 1970s primarily for the construction and automotive industry, and had been a successful model in other communities, so a local steering committee in Roma was formed to start a not for profit organisation whose purpose was to grow and sustain apprenticeships in western Queensland. Golden West Group Training Scheme Inc was founded on 21st September 1988.
Businesses soon realised this group training model could help them create a stable and capable workforce. They were training apprentices to their needs, but someone else was doing the hard yards and managing the administrative and legislative burdens. Employers could get on with business.
What started as a couple of locally hosted apprentices, soon grew and expanded into new communities and regions. Golden West now employs apprentices and trainees across all trade industries in the darling downs, central and south west regions of Queensland.
Our success over the past 30 years is being able to say we have supported more than 3,000 apprentices and trainees to complete their trade.
While the years have passed and Golden West has seen many changes including changes to our name — our focus and vision remains the same. To grow and sustain apprenticeships in Queensland.
We are committed to connecting talented apprentices and trainees with local employers and providing a dedicated and personal service to support the apprenticeship process from commencement to completion.
We are helping to change lives, create careers and build sustainable communities.